

CJ 手机赌博软件下载排行,注册会计师, CGMA  

(615) 371-2139

CJ Blankenship is the 管理合伙人 at the firm and consults with clients and the BCPAG team on the most challenging 税, 会计, 管理及财务事宜.  He is a National Merit Scholar and received his Bachelor of Business Administration with honors in 会计 from Belmont University.  He has over twenty years of management experience in a variety of industries and service sectors and had worked at two top ten national firms prior to joining the firm in 2007.  CJ在2009年2月成为该公司的合伙人,此后一直担任执行合伙人.  在他的职业生涯中,CJ为数百名客户提供了各种咨询服务, including serving in an outsourced CFO capacity for an international 制造业 and 分布 company with operations and customers around the globe.  CJ的工作时间都花在并购上, 非营利性咨询和合规事宜, planning (particularly with 税 favored investment strategy), 管理咨询, 税收遵从, 会计系统和业务事项, 非盈利组织和个人, 管理公司的战略方向.

CJ热心于基督教的事工,是基督教复兴之家的创始人和主席, 公司.他还为几家非营利性机构提供咨询.  He has also served the TSCPA 纳什维尔 Board and Federal 税 Committee, and has served a variety of boards including the largest church in 纳什维尔 and as the Treasurer at the Tennessee Christian Chamber of Commerce.  He used to spend a lot of hours with the guitar and Christian song-writing, 打高尔夫球, 生活在户外, 写作和运动.  现在, 他很幸运娶了他可爱的妻子阿曼达, 作为两个优秀儿子和一个可爱的小女孩的父亲,他花了大部分空闲时间来充实这一窝孩子.


(615) 859-8800

Paul Anglin,注册会计师,执行税务和咨询服务,目前是该公司的负责人. 他毕业于利普斯科姆大学, 他在哪里以优异的成绩获得理学学士学位, and received his Master of Accountancy from the University of Georgia. He is a member of American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and 田纳西州注册会计师协会. 他在多个行业和服务部门拥有超过23年的经验. He has fourteen years of experience with Deloitte and Crowe Horwath, “四大”会计师事务所和十大会计师事务所, 分别. 在他之前的公共会计经验中, 他曾服务于多个行业, 包括制造业, 卫生保健, 服务专业人员, 建设, 和非营利性, 并执行了许多咨询项目, 合规项目, 并为会计所得税作准备.

另外, 他在五三银行从事工业界9年, 日产, O 'Charley的, 和Asurion. 他在这些大公司的税务部门获得了宝贵的服务, including leading the 税 department at O 'Charley的 as Director of 税. 因为他独特的背景, he has an understanding of the value of service needed by businesses and has a passion to help his clients exceed their needs.

多里安人T. 贝利,注册会计师

(615) 921-6979

Dorian is the Director of our 咨询 practice at Blankenship CPA Group and has over 25 years of experience in all aspects of 会计, 审计(内部及外部), 手机赌博软件下载排行和咨询. 她 has worked with multi-national firms and Big 4 会计 firms. 她拥有田纳西州和加利福尼亚州的执照,在团队建设方面有丰富的经验, 财务转型和战略规划. Dorian has advised C-Suite and extended leadership to large multi-national corporations; transforming Finance and improving core Finance processes, unlocking efficiencies and cost savings through process redesign, 技术改进和分析操作模型和组织设计. 她曾服务于汽车、能源、石油等行业的全球客户 & 天然气、零售和科技. Dorian also held various global Controller and Governance roles. 她 earned her MBA with an emphasis in Human Resource Management. 她 and her husband live in Franklin and have two adult children, 一个在纳什维尔,另一个在旧金山.


(615) 375-5171

Michelle is the Assistant Director of Quality Control with the firm. 她毕业于西弗吉尼亚大学, where she earned a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration degree and a Master of Professional Accountancy degree. 在她25年以上的职业生涯中, she has worked in the public Big Four as well as private 会计 sectors, focusing on a variety of industries including 非营利性, 建设, 银行, 经纪人/经销商, 健康保险, 和制造业. 米歇尔是田纳西州和明尼苏达州的注册会计师, 注册内部核数师, 她是全球注册管理会计师,也是许可方各种专业协会的成员. 在执行高质量审计服务的过程中, 她试图通过流程改进和报告透明度来支持客户的成功.

米歇尔和她的丈夫凯文住在田纳西州的怀特布拉夫,是圣. 约翰路德教会的伯恩斯, 美国红十字会社区志愿者联络员, and is past president of the 迪克森 High Noon Rotary Club, vice chair of the Community Foundation for 迪克森 County board, and vice chair of the Habitat for Humanity 迪克森 County board.

C. 托马斯·贝茨,CPA, ABV, CVA

(615) 373-3771

Tom has more than 40 years of experience in 税 and 会计.  He provides 会计 and 税 services to individuals and small businesses as well as assurance and 咨询 services to commercial and not for profit organizations. He also provides valuation and litigation support services.   汤姆服务的行业包括音乐和娱乐, 知识产权, 零售和分销, 软件开发与构建, 等.

Tom于1973年以优异成绩毕业于David Lipscomb University,获得会计学学士学位.  He is a CPA and Accredited in Business Valuation (ABV) by the AICPA.  他还是注册估值分析师(CVA).  他是美国注册会计师协会的专业会员, 田纳西州注册会计师协会, and the National Association of Certified Valuators and Analysts (NACVA).

汤姆是伊曼纽尔教会的活跃成员.  He also serves on the boards of Camp Soaring Eagle Foundation, 一个为重病儿童提供机会前往有医生监督的营地的组织, 联合王国, 这个组织使教会的牧师和领袖能够建立更有效的男性事工.


(615) 373-3771

凯西在IT咨询领域工作了20年之后,于2014年加入Blankenship CPA Group. 伴随科技成长的凯西拥有了IT行业几乎一生的工作经验. Cayce makes sure BCPA’s technology is working all the time so that our team can efficiently and effectively do what they love; serve our clients!  凯西也是我们相关企业的负责人 Blankenship IT Soultions, LLC - BITS as we serve clients' outsourced managed technology security and services.

当凯西不解决IT问题时,他喜欢花时间在他的工作室制作钢笔, 碗, 家具, 和其他物品. He also enjoys spending time with his wife and new baby boy. When he’s not making something or playing with his son, he enjoys playing music. 


审计 & 质量控制主管
(615) 371-2142

Dale Curtis joined BCPAG in October 2005 and is the Director of Quality Control.  他于1983年毕业于西肯塔基大学,获得会计学学士学位.  He has been in public 会计 his entire career providing 审计 and 咨询 services privately held companies, primarily working with small businesses and local financial institutions, 以及员工福利计划.  Dale is a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and 田纳西州注册会计师协会.

戴尔对钓鱼和皮划艇产生了浓厚的兴趣, and the biggest struggle for the firm over the last several years has been keeping him in the office on Fridays once busy season ends.


(615) 425 -2342

海斯利亚 is the 战略发展总监 at Blankenship CPA Group and is responsible for the firm's strategic growth plan and 市场营销 team. Leah拥有近20年的管理经验. 她 began her career in commercial 银行 and credit risk management. 她 later spent 13 years with a global nonprofit equipping people to live free in Christ through residential counseling programs and outreach services. 在她任职期间, 利亚的职责逐渐提高,担任执行主任, 负责关键任务的操作. 她, 和执行团队一起, was responsible for the organization's oversight and strategic growth.

Leah earned a BS in Finance and Economics from the University of Alabama and an EMBA from the Weatherhead School of Management at Case Western Reserve University. 她也是曼达尔学者,并获得非营利组织管理认证.

Leah has a passion for Christian ministry and serving her community. 她是Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, 公司 .成员. 她还在董事会和战略方向上为非营利组织提供咨询.


(615) 758-1489

Jeff Fortner在内部会计工作了30年之后,于2020年加入该公司, 财务报告, 和M&一个与德勤. 杰夫担任我们的报告总监, with responsibility for the 财务报告 packages produced for our clients and also managing internal financial operations. Jeff gained his degree in 会计 from Lipscomb University in 1989. 他和他的妻子, 了一只名叫阿玉, 谁是一个有成就的基督教作家, are active in their church and have two college-age children, 劳伦和羽衣甘蓝. Jeff还担任good牧场基督教学校董事会的财务主管. 他的爱好包括阅读《手机赌博软件》, 一部优秀的间谍小说, 或美国历史),并试图重新发现他的高尔夫运动, post-kids. 他很高兴有机会倾听他们的意见, 注重细节, 以及对手机赌博软件下载排行客户的透明度.

克里斯托弗·L. 格里芬,CPA, ABV, CFF

(615) 371-2135

Chris Griffin joined the firm in 1996 and became a partner in January 1999.  He received his Bachelor of Business Administration degree in 会计 from Middle Tennessee State University and spent six years with the IRS.  He is a CPA and Accredited in Business Valuation (ABV) with the AICPA.  Chris目前担任该公司的税务总监, 还提供商业估值, 税, 审计, 为个人提供会计和咨询服务, 企业和非营利组织, with special emphasis in corporate and partnership 税ation. In the last half-decade he has become involved in overseeing the offices outside of the 布伦特伍德 office including providing management support over those team members who practice in all areas of the firm. 

克里斯喜欢和妻子在一起, 安琪拉, 和他们的四个孩子, two of which have graduated from college and two are in high school.  他们喜欢旅行, 去野营, 参加体育活动, 去游乐园, 以及几乎所有的户外娱乐活动.  他出生在田纳西州,大部分时间都住在这里,童年只有一小部分是在圣. 路易斯,密苏里州.  他目前居住在富兰克林, TN and is a member of Fellowship Bible Church where he enjoys participating in additional bible studies and activities outside of the traditional Sunday morning services.


(615) 859-8800

Rich is a Principal and the firm’s 审计 Technical Director. 在他和手机赌博软件下载排行在一起之前, 里奇在南方与当地和国际公司合作过, 然后北部, 加州和田纳西州, 非营利性服务, 建设, 房地产, 政府, 教育, 制造业, 分布, 和医疗组织. 里奇继续沿着这条路走下去, adding expertise in large 政府s 和非营利性s and growth ventures, serving as CFO and compliance officer in a SaaS startup before joining the firm. 他花了很多时间评估买方和卖方的财务报告&一个交易和复杂的债务和股权协议.

他和他的妻子 live in Franklin and enjoy time with their four children. Rich是TSCPA的现任会员, GFOA, TGFOA, and the 纳什维尔 Entrepreneur Center and past member of the AICPA, GFOA特别审查委员会, TSCPA建设委员会. He graduated from Biola University with a Bachelor’s of Science Degree in Business Administration and emphasis in 会计.


(615) 889-1153
直接:(615)758 - 1508

Scott Lynn is the 审计业务总监 at Blankenship CPA Group with over 10 years of public 会计 and management experience. 他在Trevecca获得学士学位,在MTSU获得工商管理硕士学位. Scott在包括非营利组织在内的多个行业拥有丰富的工作经验, 制造业, 建设, 第三方管理公司, 和人力资源机构.  He oversees the 审计 department in relation to 调度, 人员配备, 培训和项目管理,并在全年领导许多大型审计. Scott is very passionate about understanding our firm’s attest clients’ needs. He works diligently leading our 审计 team as we strive to deliver on expectations with the highest level of client care.

斯科特是Mt. 朱丽叶商会. He, 他的妻子和三个孩子喜欢去教堂做礼拜, 尽可能地划船, 在后院做运动. 他还喜欢打高尔夫球,并尝试在房子周围做一些他以前从未做过的手工项目!

丽莎E. 麦金托什,注册会计师

Mt. 朱丽叶办公室总经理
(615) 889-1153 ext 104

Lisa是中田纳西州立大学的毕业生,她的整个职业生涯都在公共会计领域. 她是个好打听的人, analytical nature equipping her for a focus in the attest functions, 管理员职位, 小型企业和财务报告服务. 她是美国注册会计师协会的成员, TSCPA, 政府财务主任协会, Exchange Club and has and continues to serve on various organizational boards.


(615) 371-2141

珍妮马洛伊 is the firm’s Administrator and Office Manager.  她 has been providing 会计 and administrative services, 在不同的服务行业工作, 自1977年以来, 包括为公司的许多客户做簿记. 她的工作重点是规划和管理所有办公室程序, 调度, 人员, 员工福利, 和技术问题. 她 also handles all of the firm’s administrative responsibilities, as well as dealing directly with clients in regard to their service needs, 期望和费用.


(615) 889-1153


(615) 371-2148


Don Slaughter joined BCPAG in 2010 as a member of the 审计 team, and we were pleased to have him join the partner group in 2013.  Don has over 20 years of public 会计 experience in a variety of sectors, 包括与大型政府和私人公司客户的合作,以及与PCAOB公司的合作经验 .  他于1990年毕业于路易斯安那理工大学(Louisiana Tech University),获得会计学学士学位.   他曾在阿肯色州、路易斯安那州、内华达州和佛罗里达州的地区和当地公司工作.  他关注的行业领域是政府, 非营利性, 热情好客, 电信, 房地产, 制造业, 布局和建设.


(615) 425-2324

Ben joined BCPAG in 2017, after spending 10 years with Caterpillar, 公司. 本是土生土长的伊利诺斯州人,学的是会计 & 2007年获得橄榄拿撒勒大学手机赌博软件下载排行学学位, 在2009年完成注册会计师考试, 2012年获得六西格玛黑带认证. 在卡特彼勒, Ben progressed in a general management career with roles in finance, 物流, 市场营销, 售后市场解决方案, 经销商的支持, 和合并 & 收购. 本在卡特彼勒操作系统的部署中发挥了关键作用 & 他参与了卡特彼勒2017年企业战略更新. 作为他职业生涯的一部分, Ben has travelled the globe extensively and relocated five times, including living in Europe from 2009-2012 and in 纳什维尔 from 2014-2015.

家族出身于小企业, 有兴趣为多个行业服务, 还有一种想离开马路的欲望, 本在手机赌博软件下载排行注册会计师集团找到了合适的人选. 在BCPAG, Ben is merging his CPA and general management experiences to meet clients’ 咨询 needs and contribute to BCPAG firm administration.

Ben and his wife, Bekah, have been married since 2006 and have four children. 全家人都为田纳西中部的福利和他们的新家乡诺兰斯维尔而激动不已, TN. They all enjoy serving in the church and spending time together, 尤其是在户外或跟随圣. 路易红雀队.


(615) 859-8800

Karen Stephens于2017年1月加入BCPAG,担任North office的合伙人和常务董事. Prior to joining the firm, Karen served as the 审计 partner for Parker, Parker & 的同事. 她的职业生涯始于德勤会计师事务所 & 在2000年加入帕克之前. 她 has extensive 审计ing and 税 experience with 非营利性 organizations and 政府al entities as well as for-profit industries including 建设 和制造业. Karen is a graduate of Lipscomb University and Leadership Sumner. 她 is a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and 田纳西州注册会计师协会. 她 and her husband and two daughters live in Sumner County.


(615) 373-3771

Jessica是Blankenship CPA Group的主管,拥有超过10年的公共会计经验. Her experience includes work in both 税 and 会计 services. 在过去的3年里,她一直与两方面的直接特许经营客户合作, 咨询, 和外包会计. Jessica is a member of 田纳西州注册会计师协会 and currently serves on the 会计 Career Education Committee.

Jessica received a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration in Public Accountancy and a Masters of Business Administration with an emphasis in Public Accountancy from the University of West 佛罗里达 in Pensacola, 佛罗里达.

我们替你保管书, so you can get back to the job of running your business and generating profits.
We offer payroll solutions that meet your business's needs and enable you to spend time doing what you do best--running your company.
我们提供一对一的指导和全面的财务计划,帮助管理风险, 提高性能, 确保财富的增长和长寿.

©手机赌博软件下载排行注册会计师集团 2021

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